General Contact Details
The main sales and despatch operations of Prodata Weather Systems is located at a business centre (pictured right) located in Littleport, a few miles along the A10 Ely bypass from our previous workshop in Ely (Cambs) itself.
Our new unified phone number for all calls from within the UK is 03336 664175 . (This is a standard rate number costing no more than a standard 01/02 geographical call whether dialled from a landline or a mobile phone.)
To contact us by email or fax, please use:
- Email address for sales and general enquiries:
- Email address for support: (but for new support issues please raise a ticket via the online portal at )
- Fax: 01353 865301 (+44 1353 865301 from outside the UK);
The first half of the working day (say 0900-1400) is always the best time to try to contact the sales office in person or by phone. At other times, staff may often be working out of the office.
Contact and location details for our sales office is as follows:
Littleport Sales Office
We are primarily a mail-order business and not a High Street shop, but personal callers are welcome to visit us to see specific products and to discuss details of proposed weather station installations or indeed – by prior arrangement only please – to collect orders in person. If you do wish to visit, we would strongly advise phoning or emailing in advance please to agree a rough date/time to ensure that someone will be available for a detailed discussion.
Our Littleport sales office is located on the A1101 Wisbech Road close by the roundabout where the eastbound A1101 meets the main A10 road at Littleport. Our address is:
Unit 12, Espace North Building
181 Wisbech Road
Littleport, Ely, Cambs CB6 1RA
United Kingdom
NB For anyone wishing to approach from the west along the A1101 via Welney (where the road crosses the Hundred Foot Washes), especially in springtime after a period of heavy rain, please check that the road is open – see It is rare for the road to be closed but it does happen sometimes and you will then need to approach using crossings either via the north through Downham Market or via the south along the A142.
Support Procedures
Support procedures are described in more detail on our main support page but if you do need to return any item to us, please remember:
- To contact us by phone/email/fax in the first instance before returning any items to us;
- All returns should please be sent to our Littleport office address (see above);
- To check that your own name and return address has been included in any package despatched to us;
Other Business Details
- Prodata Weather Systems is a trading name of Prodata Associates Ltd (Established 1996);
- Company Registration Number: 3157245;
- VAT Registration Number: GB776136802;
- Banking details (for electronic payments) are available on request;